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Our business statement
At Safetech Innovations Global Services Ltd, we take health and safety very seriously. In all our business operations, we aim to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees, customers and suppliers.
Our statement of general policy is:
•To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
•To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
•To provide and maintain safe equipment
•To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees.
•To ensure safe handling and use of substances.
•To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training.
•To prevent accidents and causes of work-related ill health.
•To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
•To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
We accept that we have a duty to ensure that the necessary work methodologies, equipment and training are provided to fulfil our health and safety obligations. An effective health and safety policy requires the full collaboration and co-operation of all employees. Employees are bound by their contracts of employment to take responsibility for health and safety in line with this policy statement.
Effective health and safety management improves safety, and performance and reduces work-related injuries and ill health. Therefore, as far as is reasonably practicable, our objectives are to avoid accidents, injuries and ill-health to our employees, damage to property and to conserve the environment.
Responsibility of the employer
It is the responsibility of management:
• to maintain the spirit and letter of the principles incorporated in the relevant legislation to ensure the safest systems of work and a safe, healthy working environment
• to enlist the active interest, participation and support of employees in promoting good standards of health and safety
• to provide information, training and instruction to employees to enable them to work safely and efficiently
• to maintain a constant interest in health and safety matters by consulting and involving employees, wherever possible
• to carry out risk assessments at each place of work on a regular basis (but not less than once a year)
Safety Officers and co-ordinators:
• There will be an appropriately trained member of staff assigned the role of ‘safety officer’. It is their responsibility to ensure that all necessary standards are met on a day-to-day basis and to report any issues to the Managing Director who assumes the position of ‘safety co-ordinator’
• The safety coordinator is responsible for maintaining a continuous and critical assessment of working conditions, reviewing safety performance and promoting safer working
• The Managing Director accepts ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the company as a whole
Responsibility of the employee
It is the responsibility of every employee:
• to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, fellow employees and clients
• to report to the appropriate person, any hazard which cannot be controlled personally
• to use machinery and tools safely, as instructed, with protective equipment supplied for the purpose and by meeting statutory obligations
• to co-operate with the company by observing safety rules and complying with any measures designed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment
• all employees are expected to support and implement this policy wholeheartedly
• certain accidents are required to be reported to the local Health & Safety Executive. To ensure compliance with this requirement ALL accidents and near misses, no matter how small, or how caused, MUST be reported and logged in the Accident Book which is kept centrally with the Managing Director AND reported to your immediate manager.
• All employees must ensure they familiarise themselves with the location of first aid boxes and
• All employees must ensure they familiarise themselves with evacuation routes and methods
To ensure that the principles of the policy statement are upheld, all employees should:
• Report unsafe working conditions, hazards or defects in plant or equipment, machinery or buildings. If necessary, put equipment out of service until it has been restored to an acceptable level of safety.
• Use equipment, machinery etc. in a correct and safe manner. Never using equipment for which they have not been trained.
• Make full and proper use of any personal protective equipment provided.
• Make themselves familiar with all safe working instructions and the safety procedures for the location in which they are working.
• Report all accidents and incidents at work to the Health & Safety coordinator.
• Attend any training courses as may be required from time to time.
Fire Alarms and Emergency Evacuations
On discovering a fire:
• The employee discovering the fire must sound the nearest fire alarm immediately
• Do not attempt to fight a fire unless trained to do so.
Please note that fire extinguishers are provided only in order to aid your escape. THEY ARE NOT INTENDED FOR YOU TO FIGHT FIRES INSTEAD OF EVACUATING. Please do not take unnecessary risks.
On hearing the fire alarm:
• Leave the building immediately using the nearest emergency exit
• Proceed to the assembly point and await further instructions
• Do not collect personal belongings before leaving the building
• Do not re-enter the building unless told to do so by someone in authority.
Accidents and Accident Reporting
All accidents and incidents must be recorded and where necessary reported using the correct HSE forms and procedures.
To ensure the physical security and safety of employees, the offices and equipment, all employees are expected to comply with security procedures in place at each location.
All external doors must remain shut and locked from the inside, in line with fire evacuation procedures.
All visitors must be signed in and out of the offices and must wear a visitor’s pass at all times and their host remains responsible for them in the event of an evacuation or security incident.
Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with the provisions of this policy will endanger employees, customers and suppliers. This is not acceptable and therefore any breach of policy will lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
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No. 12-14 Frunzei Street, Frunzei Center, 1st-3rd Floor, 2nd District, 021533, Bucharest, Romania
Safetech Innovations Global Services LTD. All rights reserved. - We are a UK company. Registration number: 13901115. In the USA we act under Safetech Innovations USA Inc, a Virginia corporation registered under 11506098. ICO (UK) ZB425433
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